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"الجراحة العامة" هي تخصص جراحي له جوهر مركزي من المعرفة يغطي علم التشريح وعلم وظائف الأعضاء والتمثيل الغذائي وعلم المناعة والتغذية وعلم الأمراض والتئام الجروح والصدمات والإنعاش والعناية المركزة والأورام الشائعة في جميع التخصصات الجراحية.

الجراحة العامة كمهنة

الجراحة العامة هي "أحدث ما توصلت إليه التكنولوجيا" حيث تستمر في إعادة ابتكار نفسها لصالح مرضى الجراحة. بفضل الأجهزة الحديثة والتكنولوجيا المتقدمة ، يتم الآن استبدال إجراءات مثل جراحة البطن الرئيسية بتقنيات تنظير البطن طفيفة التوغل والتي تقلل الألم وتسرع الشفاء وتقلل التكلفة دون التضحية بالنتائج الجيدة. أعاد البحث الجراحي في عمليات الأمراض مثل علم المناعة وعلم الوراثة تحديد خيارات العلاج الخاصة بالمرضى الفرديين ، مما فتح الباب لفهم أفضل لمسببات المرض وتطوره.

في بيئة التخصص والتخصصات الفرعية اليوم ، أرى أنه بصفتي جراحًا عامًا ، فإن القيمة التي أعطيها للمريض وأطباء الأسرة والخطط الصحية تزداد بشكل كبير كل عام. توفر الجراحة العامة تدريبًا واسعًا ولكنه متخصص في كثير من الأحيان في جميع تخصصات الجراحة والطب. بعد إنهاء إقامتي ، أصبحت مؤهلاً لإدارة مجموعة متنوعة من الحالات ، من مشاكل الجهاز الهضمي إلى جراحة الغدد الصماء ، ومن أزمات ارتفاع ضغط الدم إلى تمدد الأوعية الدموية. يسمح لي تدريبي بأن أكون أفضل شخص لإدارة المرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى رعاية متعددة الأنظمة مثل الصدمات الكبيرة ، وغالبًا ما يُطلب مني معالجة القضايا الطبية والأخلاقية المعقدة.

غالبًا ما يضع الجراحون العامون معايير الرعاية الجراحية في المجتمع. نختار الإجراءات التي نشعر براحة أكبر معها لخدمة مرضانا. عندما تتم إحالة المرضى لمزيد من العناية الطبية ، فإن الجراحين العامين هم الأعضاء الوحيدون في الطاقم الطبي المحلي على دراية بالإجراء المنفذ أو الإدارة المطلوبة.

وبالطبع ، يقدم الجراحون العامون إجراءات منقذة للحياة مثل استئصال الزائدة الدودية أو استئصال الطحال أو جراحة السرطان العلاجية كل يوم. نرى الفرح على وجه مريضتنا عندما نقول أن آفة الثدي حميدة ، ونشعر بالألم والراحة عندما لا تكون كذلك.

لا يوجد يومان متشابهان. كل يوم ، تختبر مغامرة مختلفة ثقتي ومهاراتي ومعرفي. الجراحون العامون لهم قيمة ليس فقط في نظر المرضى ، ولكن أيضًا في نظر مقدمي الرعاية الصحية. التدريب المكثف في مختلف المجالات يجعل الجراح العام لا غنى عنه في سوق اليوم.

تظل الجراحة العامة مجالًا مطلوبًا بشدة من قبل الجمهور والمهنيين ، مما يضمن حصول الجراحين العامين في المستقبل على وظائف واعدة ومجزية.

Obesity Treatment



  • Treatment time: 50 – 90 Min.
  • Hospital stay: 4 days
  • Recovery: 2 days

It is one of the methods used in bariatric surgery. This method is used when no results are obtained in other classical procedures. It facilitates pathological weight loss and the desired mass index is achieved.

Gastric bypass is an operation against obesity (Obesity). Also against other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. The stomach is separated a few centimeters below the entrance to the stomach. A small residual stomach remains, which serves as a brake on the food supplied. The small intestine is severed during this operation. One end of the intestine is connected to the small residual stomach and the other is diverted so that the food is mixed only in the middle small intestine. In this way, the food is excreted more quickly and there are no accumulations in the first place.

The operation takes about 50-60 minutes. But from the room (anesthesia, surgery, recovery room), it is about 2 hours. Hospitalization is 3-5 days.

Included in the price: Transfer from the airport to the hospital and back to the airport. Various blood tests, echocardiogram, lung X-ray, ECG, ultrasound, endoscopy, gastroscopy), all examinations with the doctors, conversation with the surgeon performing the operation, cardiologists, psychologists, internists and with the nutritionist.

All examination reports, blood results, discharge reports and the diet plan will be handed over to you upon your discharge. You will be looked after by our team for 1 year, so that you always have a contact person at home by phone. Before and after the operation, you always have an escort at your bedside who speaks your language.

You can take a person with you to Turkey/ Ankara as an accompaniment. Overnight stays and care are provided in the hospital.

The price for the gastric bypass surgery is on request.

I need some more information from you now:

Age, weight, height, pre-existing conditions, medications you take regularly, allergies, intolerance to food, operations in the past and whether there have been complications, hereditary diseases, chronic diseases in the family such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer or problems with the circulation.

We are happy to discuss all further questions in a personal telephone conversation, which we would be very pleased about.

Sleeve Gastrectomy (gastric bypass)

Why should I undergo obesity surgery?

Other preferred methods have different advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, there are many obesity surgical methods that are applied individually. The common goal is to have a lifestyle that meets the ideal health standards. In other words, the prevention of obesity is a way to prevent physical and mental disorders.

Gastric surgical bypass technique, which we offer as Aesthetic Ankara to reduce fat and carbohydrate intake permanently balance your weight. For this purpose, we offer you the opportunity to meet specialist and experienced surgeons. The following bypass techniques are used in our clinics



  • Treatment time: 1–3 hours
  • Hospital stay: 4 days
  • Recovery: 2 days

The mini-gastric bypass is a stomach reduction in severe overweight and the simplest and very frequently used method in the field of bariatric surgery. Due to the mini-gastric bypass, a quick and significant weight loss is possible.

What is an Omega (Mini) Bypass?

The Omega (Mini) Bypass is a bypass variant. A stomach pocket is created, which is slightly larger than the standard bypass. The small intestine is connected to the gastric pocket about 2 meters behind the end of the duodenum. So, only one suture connection is performed in the digestive tract. Weight loss shows better results than standard bypass.

Mini-gastric bypass is a surgical procedure in Turkey in which the amount of edible food is limited and appetite control lies by changing the intestinal bacteria, which helps in weight loss.

Laparoscopic surgery has made significant progress in recent years. Mini gastric bypass has become increasingly popular along the way.

Mini-stomach bypass: in Turkey

In Ankara, mini gastric bypass surgery is widely used mainly by experienced surgeons as a lighter and simpler method compared to other methods.

It is also worth mentioning that in recent years, Turkish surgeons have made successful progress in bariatric surgery. As Aesthetics Ankara, we look forward to contacting you with our team of consultants and informing you further.

How is the mini-gastric bypass performed?

In this operation, a small part of the stomach is separated. From this, a sleeve stomach is formed and the small intestine is sewn to the upper part of the stomach. This formed sleeve stomach now has the characteristics of the stomach and absorbs less food capacity. The rest of the stomach is located in the body and continues to produce the necessary enzymes and secretions for digestion. Due to the small stomach, patients have less feeling hungry and consume fewer calories.

After the Operation

After the operation, the patient is monitored in the clinic in 3 to 5 days. To avoid pneumonia or thrombosis, patients are mobilized.

In the first 48 hours after the operation, patients can only consume clear, carbonated liquids. For successful adaptation of the body, monitoring in the clinic is required.

What are the differences between mini-gastric bypass and classic gastric bypass?

The classic gastric bypass (also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) is more complex than mini-gastric bypass. With the mini-bypass, a stomach reduction is applied, which is slightly larger than with the gastric bypass. However, the small intestine is connected to the gastric pocket two meters after the duodenum. Compared to the classic gastric bypass, the patients lose more weight as a result.

Benefits of gastric bypass surgery for weight loss

  • The formed sleeve stomach absorbs less food capacity.
  • You will feel mentally stronger than average.
  • Weight loss is achieved by increasing fewer calories.
  • After surgery, hormone levels are adjusted and reduced by patients losing appetite and eating less.

Benefits of gastric bypass surgery in Turkey

There are many reasons why patients prefer mini-gastric bypass surgery in Turkey:

  • Compared to the classic gastric bypass, patients lose more weight.
  • A quick healing process is possible.
  • In Turkey, these operations are efficient and successful.
  • Prices in Turkey are lower than in EU countries.

Is the mini-gastric bypass more preferred over classic gastric bypass?

The mini-gastric bypass surgery takes less than the classic gastric bypass. The cost of a mini-gastric bypass is less than classic gastric bypass. If you would contact our team of consultants, we would be pleased to inform you in more detail.

In Turkey, the number of mini-gastric bypass operations is increasing day by day. The quality of the operations, professional treatment before and after the operations, favorable prices apply to all patients.



  • Treatment time: 1–3 hours
  • Hospital stay: 4 days
  • Recovery: 2 days

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) in Turkey

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is the most effective operation in bariatric surgery

The biliopancreatic diversion is a surgical procedure for weight loss. In Turkey, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS) is popular. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) is a procedure for people with extreme obesity at your body mass index (BIM) over 50. In Turkey, specialists in surgery with many years of experience take care of a positive health and a positive return to the quality of life of patients.

Surgical procedure for biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) in Turkey

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) proceeds in two phases. In the first phase of the operation, up to about 80 percent of the stomach is removed. Thus, at the end of the esophagus, only a small residual stomach remains. A certain part of the small intestine is removed.

In the second stage, the last part of the intestine is connected to the duodenum next to the stomach. The food intake is greatly reduced.

In Turkey, biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is often used with a single surgical procedure. Rarely, another surgical intervention is needed. Weight loss occurs after the entire gastric process.

Benefits of Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD)

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is a weight loss procedure and reduces the risk of the following diseases:

  • Heart problems
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Infertility due to diabetes

In Germany, doctors perform this operation after applying a specific program to patients who want to lose weight. But this program in Germany is much more expensive. Most health insurance companies do not cover fees for biliopancreatic diversion.

What is done before biliopancreatic diversion (BPD)?

Before the operation, everything is discussed in detail and all questions are answered, so that the patients do not have a question drawing in mind. Before the operation, certain examinations are also necessary. During the operation, general anesthesia (general anesthesia) is used. In the sleep-like state, in which the consciousness and sensation of pain throughout the patient’s body is switched off. The process is observed by an anesthesia specialist.

Procedure of the operation

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is performed laparoscopically with a small abdominal incision. This process prevents open cuts and accelerates the healing process. This process takes only a few hours. After the operation, the patients are taken to the observation room and monitored by experienced staff.

After the operation

After biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), a special nutrition program is put together. Nutrition begins with fluids. This is the phase of getting used to. Depending on the speed of recovery, the diet is continued with the pureed foods and followed by soft-boiled foods that are easily digestible in the following days. Then it is changed to the normal food program. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are recommended to help the body recover faster and avoid a possible lack of micro residues.

After biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) depending on the lifestyle of the patients and the nutritional program they use, it is possible to lose weight up to 70-80% within two years

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long do you have to stay in the hospital?

You will stay in the hospital for a few days. Our specialists and experienced staff will help you by taking care of your medical care while adapting to your new lifestyle so that you are happy to be discharged from the hospital.

How should I prepare for the operation?

If you decide to have the operation, our specialists will inform you in detail before the procedure. Before the operation, you should tell us if you are taking medication, insulin, vitamins, blood thinners or supplements and if you have ever had surgery. It is important that you provide the desired information in full so that there are no complications and a dose adjustment can be made.

Do you have severe pain after surgery?

Your doctor will give you effective painkillers to get you through the process faster.

How does the healing process continue after discharge?

The faster you adapt to your doctor’s nutrition program and your new lifestyle, the faster you recover.


  • Treatment time: 1–3 hours
  • Hospital stay: 4 days
  • Recovery: 2 days

Roux-En-Y gastric bypass is one of the most commonly used procedures in obesity surgery and is used worldwide in the U.S. and Europe.

The Roux-En-Y gastric bypass is one of the most common operating devices in obesity surgery.

Roux-en-y gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery in which a small tube is formed from the stomach and the newly formed tube is attached directly to the small intestine. The food enters the small intestine directly from the reduced gastric tube. In this way, the food skips a large part of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. Without having to change eating habits, it is possible to lose weight. In Turkey/Ankara, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is used in case of serious health problems due to excessive weight. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is effective in reducing the risk of life-threatening health problems.

This procedure is performed by experienced and experienced doctors. Another advantage of gastric bypass surgery in Turkey is the exceptional medical care before and after the procedure. Patients become familiar with the feeling of satiety and quickly get used to the positive postoperative process.

Before the Roux-En-Y gastric bypass operation, patients are informed in detail by the specialists.

The Roux-en-y-gastric bypass surgery was performed laparoscopic (laparoscopy). In this surgical technique, instruments are inserted into the stomach through small incisions of the surgeon.

Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery is performed in a private clinic in Ankara. The procedure is performed with general anesthesia and takes about 1-2 hours. But, from the room, it is (anesthesia, surgery and recovery room) about 3 hours. 4 – 5 days of hospitalization.

In the price inclusive: Transfer from the airport to the hospital and back to the airport. Various blood tests, echocardiogram, lung X-ray, ECG, ultrasound, endoscopy, gastroscopy, all examinations at the doctors, conversation with the surgeon who performs the Operation, cardiologists, psychologists, internists and with the nutritionist.

All examination reports, blood results, discharge reports and the diet plan will be handed over to you upon your discharge. You will be looked after by our team for 1 year, so that you always have a contact person at home by phone. You always have an escort who speaks your language before and after the operation.

Call us, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

The Roux-En-Y gastric bypass stone is one of the most commonly used procedures in obesity surgery and is used worldwide in the US and Europe.

Roux-en-y gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery in which a small sac is formed from the stomach and the newly formed sac is attached directly to the small intestine. The food goes directly from the reduced gastric sac into the small intestine. In this way, the food skips a large part of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. Without having to change eating habits, it is possible to lose weight. In Turkey, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is used in case of serious health problems due to excessive weight. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is effective in reducing the risk of life-threatening health problems.

Before the Roux-En-Y gastric bypass operation, patients are informed in detail by the specialists. A comprehensive examination process is necessary to achieve the best results that are in line with patients’ health and goals. Depending on your physical condition, doctors may advise you on diet, lifestyle, and balanced diet after the gastric bypass procedure to address your health problems.

In Germany, the health insurance does not cover the costs of weight loss operations. Instead of paying high surgical and hospital costs in Germany, you may prefer gastric bypass surgery in Turkey. The Roux-En-Y gastric bypass is performed by trained and experienced doctors and costs far less than in Germany.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery is performed in a private clinic. The length of hospital stay can take about three to five days, depending on the healing process.

Before the procedure, general anesthesia is performed and during the operation, the anesthesiologist continuously monitors the status of anesthesia and circulation.

The procedures of Roux-en-y gastric bypass depend on your personal condition and the advice of the surgeon. Some operations are performed with deep incisions in the stomach. At the same time, Turkish surgeons perform Roux-en-y-gastric bypass operations through laparoscopy (laparoscopy). In this so-called surgical technique, instruments are inserted into the stomach through small incisions of the surgeon.

The stomach is reduced in size after open or laparoscopic incisions. The resulting stomach is about the size of a walnut and can only absorb a small amount of food. In the next step, the small intestine is separated and part of it is sewn directly into the gastric sac. The food first enters this reduced gastric sac and then directly into the small intestine. The food passes through most of the stomach and the first part of the small intestine and goes directly into the middle part of the small intestine. This significantly reduces calorie intake and you lose weight.

How long does the operation take?

The operation takes at least an hour. After the operation, wake up in the observation room to prevent unwanted situations.

How does the process work after the operation?

The food build-up after the operation takes place slowly and in individual phases. First, the stomach and intestines begin to heal and you can take liquid foods. A special nutritional program is applied. Gradually, liquid and pureed foods are absorbed. Then your body begins to accept soft foods and you can consume those foods. In addition, you will receive vitamins and minerals so that you can get well again faster.

How should I prepare for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery?

If you decide to have surgery, your team of doctors will advise you on how to prepare for surgery. Before the operation, various laboratory tests and examinations may be required.

How many kilos can I lose weight after surgery?

After Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery, you can start losing weight in the long run. How much weight you lose depends on the type of Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery and lifestyle changes. You can lose 60 percent or more of weight or more in two years.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in Turkey: advantages

In addition to actual weight loss, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass can reduce or eliminate many side effects of obesity. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in Turkey significantly improves your performance in performing daily routine activities and thus your quality of life.


  • Treatment time: 1–3 hours
  • Hospital stay: 4 days
  • Recovery: 2 days

SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery)

In SILS (Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery) surgery in aesthetics Ankara, highly qualified surgeons use a single entry point, usually for operations such as an abdominal button.

SILS in Turkey

SILS technique is a new surgical method that offers an advantage over conventional laparoscopy or laparoscopic surgery. Pain is minimal after surgery and it is an operation that does not leave any scars. In addition, the SILS method from single incision, which is used for the sleeve stomach and gastric bypass, also reduces the postoperative stress of patients, as it achieves better aesthetic results.

In the stomach surgeries performed in the past, large incisions were inevitable in stomach reduction surgeries, often performed for weight loss purposes. In recent years, however, the minimally invasive techniques used by surgeons have been able to minimize these incisions and significantly improve aesthetic results. In this article, we show the advances in minimally invasive surgery, the shorter recovery times of our patients after stomach surgery, less discomfort and how they benefit from their body without having scars. Today, the SILS method replaces the need for open surgery in many procedures through a single incision.

The benefits of minimally invasive surgery for patients

Minimally invasive surgery consists mainly of several smaller incisions. Instead of a large opening that can traumatize the patient’s skin and muscles, minimally invasive procedures use only a few small incisions to perform procedures in the body. Laparoscopic surgery after a single incision (SILS) goes one step further: instead of a few small incisions in the stomach, this new procedure requires only one incision. This provides patients with a number of additional benefits.

This new form of surgery, also known as single-port surgery, single-port laparoscopy (SPL), single-port access surgery (SAP), or single-port surgery without scars (OPUS), has made progress in the manufacture of surgical instruments. Small devices can be optimally adapted to the internal structures of the body. These improvements make it easier for surgeons to insert instruments into the body with a single small incision of 10-15 mm in length using the SILS procedure.

SILS: Advantages

The main advantage of the SILS technique over conventional laparoscopy is that it is inserted through a single incision. This significantly reduces pain during recovery. It also reduces the risk of inflammation for the patient and accelerates healing. The SILS procedure is aesthetically more effective than conventional laparoscopy because no visible scars remain. Don’t you imagine a thin belly without scars? Exactly this result is possible with the SILS method with only one incision! In order to reduce the size of the stomach, the operations via the navel are usually carried out in our specialist clinic according to the SILS method. The instruments are placed in the navel and the postoperative wound is covered with the navel and therefore invisible.

Is the SILS method a reliable and proven method?

Although SILS surgery is a new surgical method, thousands of operations have been performed worldwide. Clinical studies on the SILIS method have shown that patients are more satisfied with both the sensation of pain and the aesthetic results achieved. Another clinical study in 100 patients with stomach surgery found that SILS method can better relieve postoperative pain.

Are there any risks?

In contrast, SILS is an application that reduces risks. SILS also reduces the risk of severe nerve damage. More common complications are with the open surgeries or standard laparoscopies. SILS is a popular and successful technique used by experienced surgeons to reduce the stomach through gastric bypass or sleeve stomach.

Can a single-port operation be performed multiple times?

SILS offers a greater benefit for patients who want to lose weight. In order for the patient to have a better abdomen and a better figure, the surgeon must make a slightly longer incision in conventional laparoscopy operations. This single incision reduces the risk of volvulus when parts of the organs are knotted together.

Ist für jeden Patienten eine minimal-invasive Operation möglich?

Weder SILS noch andere minimal-invasive Techniken können durchgeführt werden, wenn sich die Organe zu nahe an einem großen Blutgefäß befinden oder eine starke Entzündung im Körper aufweisen. In diesem Fall ist eine offene Operation erforderlich.

Is the SILS method always preferred?

Although SILS method offers numerous advantages, it is not always recommended. Especially in obese patients, single-port surgery cannot be performed because the instruments are not long enough to perform the procedure safely. Laparoscopic surgery with an incision (SILS) for stomach reduction may not always be appropriate. SILS is not a suitable surgical method when two body structures need to be sutured together or it is difficult to reach the internal organs.

Is minimally invasive surgery possible for every patient?

Neither SILS nor other minimally invasive techniques can be performed if the organs are too close to a large blood vessel or have severe inflammation in the body. In this case, open surgery is required.

Do doctors in Turkey have SILS experience?

Internationally, it may take some time to replace conventional laparoscopic surgery as a common practice because the learning curve is relatively long. Our surgeons in Turkey know the process of many successful operations. They also know the tricks needed to avoid complications. On the other hand, doctors in Europe still prefer classic surgical procedures. But this one has drawbacks such as scars, pain, and long recovery time.



  • Treatment time: 1–2 hours
  • Hospital stay: 3 days
  • Recovery: 1 days


During the operation, a silicone band, which with its adjustable function, is looped around the upper part of the stomach. This suppresses the natural feeling of hunger. The gastric band is a method that helps with weight loss.

Why should I undergo a stomach band operation?

If you suffer from obesity and the physical and mental disorders caused by it, you can contact our team of consultants if you have tried all the methods except the surgical procedures. As Aesthetics Ankara, we offer you free consulting service and would like to help prevent these disorders.

Please contact our team if you need this process to lose weight and regain your trust. We look forward to informing you about all surgical procedures and other services.

How does the process of gastric band surgery work?

Gastric band surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is performed as a so-called keyhole operation or laparoscopy. In the keyhole technique, a total of five skin incisions are made. The silicone band is inserted via one of the working channels between the stomach and the esophagus. With the instruments, the band is positioned and assembled around the upper part of the stomach. Due to the port, a regulation of the gastric band diameter is possible at any time. As a result of this application, the stomach turns into two separate parts. The resulting anterior stomach is limited by its capacity, which prevents a strong food intake.

What requirements do you have to meet?

It is used in patients who have body mass index (BMI) at least 40 (equivalent to 40 kg / m2) or, in special cases, 35 BMI. The minimum age for this is a minimum of 18 years. The patients who have some mental illnesses, alcohol and drug addiction are not suitable for this. Gastric band surgery must present itself as a last resort. After the operation, diet therapy, exercise therapy, and psychotherapy must be planned.

Gastric band: Benefits

Gastric band surgery is a little complicated procedure and takes a few hours.

There is a low risk of complications because the stomach and intestinal organs are not cut. Another advantage is that the gastric band can be removed at any time and relatively easily and thus the procedure is completely reversible. No problems with the absorption of vitamins and minerals have been observed so far. As Aesthetics Ankara, we look forward to contacting you with our team of consultants and informing you further.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I continue to use the medication for my other ailments after the operation?

After surgery, you can continue to use your prescription medications. As a special case, it is recommended to take large tablet drugs by shrinking. This measure helps against nausea. We recommend that you stay away from medications that can damage the gastric mucosa.

Kann das Magenband entfernt werden?

Das Magenband kann entfernt werden. Aber es ist selten empfohlen. Die Entfernung des Magenbandes kann Gewichtszunahme verursachen.

Can the gastric band be removed?

The gastric band can be removed. But it is rarely recommended. Removal of the gastric band can cause weight gain.

How does weight loss work after surgery?

After surgery, the process of weight loss runs slowly and routinely. Rapid weight loss can lead to other health problems, so long-term weight loss is the healthiest. The prescribed weight reduction is 1 kg per month.

What are the disadvantages and risks?

As with all surgical procedures, this application has disadvantages and risks. After the operation, a slow and low weight loss is observed. In addition, a gastric tube is inserted into the forestomach. Displacement of the gastric band and/or gastric band leakage is among the most common complications. After the operation, you receive a nutrition plan and the aftercare continues.

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